Fairfield Glade Community Club to use search firm in hunt for general manager replacement

FAIRFIELD GLADE-The Board of Directors of the Fairfield Glade Community Club recently voted to use a search firm to find the permanent replacement for Harvey Hoffman as general manager.

Former Fairfield Glade General Manager Harvey Hoffman.

Hoffman retired in March, and controller Regina Welch was asked to fill the GM position on an interim basis. The board voted late last month to retain a search firm to help find someone to fill the position.

“Director of HR Judy Colyn has contacted firms that specialize in placing Senior Management at Homeowners Associations, Clubs/Resorts and Municipalities/Cities,” a notice from the board to members said recently. “We are in the process of receiving proposals from each firm.”

The notice said a selection committee of board member Bob Stackhouse, Wyndham timeshare representative Diana Chalfant, board president Bob Citkovic and chaired by the HR director has been appointed to work with the search firm. The notice said residents may be involved “with various portions of the search,” and that updates will be made by the selection committee “as things develop.

“If you or anyone you know is qualified to fill the GM position, please direct current inquiries to Judy Colyn at 931-484-3780,” the notice said. Hoffman served at Fairfield Glade since 2002.

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